FYI: Buyer beware! Things to research before putting in offer or during Due Diligence period:
My FAVORITE thing to check is TOPO maps to make sure the land isn't all draining into your lot! I know..I geek out here: but turn on data layers and learn all about flood prone soil and other cool info! These maps have layers to check soil and flood planes and utility and other easements!
- For Wake:
- For Chatham:
- For Durham: or their new system or the new system:
- FYI Durham new deed system
Standard NC Seller Disclosures:
Real estate transaction will require certain disclosure forms to be supplied as applicable and signed by all parties, such as:
* Property Disclosure and Mineral & Oil.
* If home is built before 1978, lead paint disclosure form will apply.
* Based on location, RDU Airport Noise, disclosure is involved also.
We'll go over these forms together: no worries. I believe in education- not just in classrooms for kids but all people's knowledge.
Check HOA documents, covenants and restrictions if in a subdivision--- especially if you want to put in a fence, pool etc. If google doesn't produce HOA website with documents, go to that county's Register of Deeds (for Wake) with HOA name as Grantor and look at Document types of Declaration, etc.
Other useful link/disclosures: <aka how to scare you from buying here... lol> no, really: I just so you know beforehand so there's no surprises:
1. Permits: check each town's website to see what permits have been pulled AND that the permits have successfully passed and closed. Also check town's website what things require permits. For example, Town of Cary website says permits must be pulled for " Installation, extension, alteration or general repair of any plumbing system; heating or cooling equipment system; or any electrical wiring, devices, appliances or equipment".
2. Roads: If private road, you/your HOA pays for repaving and snow removal. if not public. Often the homeowner doesn't even know so good to double check:
3. OTHER DISCLOSURES and links to check:
Real estate transaction will require certain disclosure forms to be supplied as applicable and signed by all parties, such as:
* Property Disclosure and Mineral & Oil.
* If home is built before 1978, lead paint disclosure form will apply.
* Based on location, RDU Airport Noise, disclosure is involved also.
We'll go over these forms together: no worries. I believe in education- not just in classrooms for kids but all people's knowledge.
Check HOA documents, covenants and restrictions if in a subdivision--- especially if you want to put in a fence, pool etc. If google doesn't produce HOA website with documents, go to that county's Register of Deeds (for Wake) with HOA name as Grantor and look at Document types of Declaration, etc.
Other useful link/disclosures: <aka how to scare you from buying here... lol> no, really: I just so you know beforehand so there's no surprises:
1. Permits: check each town's website to see what permits have been pulled AND that the permits have successfully passed and closed. Also check town's website what things require permits. For example, Town of Cary website says permits must be pulled for " Installation, extension, alteration or general repair of any plumbing system; heating or cooling equipment system; or any electrical wiring, devices, appliances or equipment".
- Cary
- Apex
- Wake Forest https:/
- Raleigh
- For Wake, go to or if not available there, go to
- No online inquiries available for Chatham County. To access, put in public records request
- Septic permits are linked on imaps for Wake County :-) yeay!
2. Roads: If private road, you/your HOA pays for repaving and snow removal. if not public. Often the homeowner doesn't even know so good to double check:
- Wake:
- Durham: maps were outdated so call (919) 560-4326
- Chatham said they don't maintain ANY roads or bridges! Chatham has NC DOT maintenance only.
- NC DOT maintains these highways, main roads and secondary roads:
- 540 map through Garner and Holly Springs,35.6223,-78.4492,35.7519
- Major road improvement projects as well as each town's widening projects should be checked if considering buying on/near transportation pathways.
3. OTHER DISCLOSURES and links to check:
- Sharon Harris Nuclear Plant 10 mile EPZ in southwest Wake
- Some residents especially in Holly Springs area complain about odors from Southwest land fill as other areas
- Flood risk maps but remember insurance companies treat "wind driven water damage" different from floods SO it's best to be over protected in this area which gets hurricanes, or even broken road/house pipes often.
- Radon has been found in Triangle area and it's suggested to get dwelling tested to ensure acceptable levels
- Why that Mineral & Oil Disclosure is not as urgent anymore
- Warning on PBX pipes installed incorrectly in houses in 1975 till 1995
- Inspectors will check outside siding as stucco and hardboard need to have been installed and maintained properly
- Speaking of which, 75% of all homes my client have had inspections which need CSST grounding... don't be alarmed (it's under $200 :easy fix.)
- Energy Transmission maps
- Electrical lines
- Pipes do run underground in certain places: usually under an easement (check your survey!) or better yet, use this mapping link:
- Crime maps; It's really a safe area overall. I looked at my own neighborhood and was alarmed when I saw quite a few icons but when I researched them, it turned out folks were reporting every time a teen took a beer out of a garage fridge. SO... look to the details!
- UST: Underground storage tank: some older homes might have reports out there: check
- If the house isn't on city sewer, here's a great list of certified septic inspectors:
- Landfill and garbage dumps: stuff happens but do you want to smell it downwind?
- IF you are looking in Chatham or Durham County and areas west, you might want to look into few recent news stories on water and decide for yourself:
- Some well water issues: arsenic and
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