WCPSS: Wake County Public School System information:
This page is a compilation of facts and links for my clients to make their best decisions about public schools in Wake County. Two most frequent topics are "good" schools and Assignment.
I. "Good":
Please remember it is important how EACH child learns and grows so potential of YOUR child/ren is reached.
If a school or system does not score well overall, it does not mean the school is not "good." I can't ethically steer you to/from a school based on my opinions on each school but I can surely send you to the facts for you to make your own decisions! I've put in many many volunteer hours in education of our youth (& a small state level paid consulting project) and I am here to help you with alphabet soup of all the acronyms and info out there.
Best suggestion is to go tour the school when possible and talk to the Principal to see if it is a "fit" for your student/s. Also, check out the school (upper left corner "View Our Schools") and PTA page and see what each school offers before making your own judgments. See bottom of this page for High school options.
Check out: Board meeting schedule & minutes (& attachments!!) https://assistive.eboardsolutions.com/SB_Meetings/SB_MeetingListing.aspx?S=920
Search HERE for a school's student aggregate performance.
WCPSS Key data and charts (< remember to scroll down that link for lots of info!)
1. 2024-5 Report by Year Reports: includes data for Grade and Gender, Race/Ethnicity, Free and Reduced Eligibility, Limited English Proficiency, Title I and Academic Achievement, Academically or Intellectually Gifted Program and Special Education Services for current and prior years.
2. Student Outcomes Reports The red box on the side allows you to easily sort data by various criteria.
3. Published Reports for local WCPSS only, go to archived reports or for larger data base go to https://www.dpi.nc.gov/districts-schools/testing-and-school-accountability/school-accountability-and-reporting
4. School safety might be derived from this data www.dpi.nc.gov/data-reports/dropout-and-discipline-data/discipline-alp-and-dropout-annual-reports#2022-23-5545
2. Student Outcomes Reports The red box on the side allows you to easily sort data by various criteria.
3. Published Reports for local WCPSS only, go to archived reports or for larger data base go to https://www.dpi.nc.gov/districts-schools/testing-and-school-accountability/school-accountability-and-reporting
4. School safety might be derived from this data www.dpi.nc.gov/data-reports/dropout-and-discipline-data/discipline-alp-and-dropout-annual-reports#2022-23-5545
II. School Assignment
COOLEST THING EVER: >>>>> Check out these assignment maps <<<<<<<<
Children are usually assigned by residence ADDRESS LOOK-UP tool for your base school assignment. There are traditional and year-round calendar, magnets program options available by application. The Magnet schools attract students with enrichment or specialty programs.
For more information about requesting a change from your base school assignment, go to www.wcpss.net/change-your-school.
III. High School Options: A high school that may not be "rated" highly due to overall scores might have great offerings and more probability of your student getting what they need for their "career or college readiness"! A school that is 'super achieving" may only have 5 science AP courses that are overcrowded. It matters what matters to your family. enuf said.
AP/Advancement Placement courses by high school as that varies also. I would caution that this document is only a snapshot in time as schools will make changes to their overall offerings each year. I think this is mostly useful in seeing commonalities among schools. If a high school is just built, it usually only opens with only freshman and sophomores so menu of AP classes may not be offered fully yet.
JROTC. This site on the WCPSS website is a great reference for the JROTC programs in the district. As a summary, the following schools have JROTC programs: Broughton High, Cary High, Enloe High, Garner High, Knightdale High, Millbrook High, Sanderson High, Wake Forest High.
Student Activities. Athletic offerings should be fairly consistent across schools, but this site is a great resource about the teams and opportunities at each school. for other activities and clubs, such as Bands and DECA, check out each school's website, their PTA facebook page and "google". The school's website is a great resource for these types of activities.
"Career Academies" are specialty curriculum programs in non-magnet high schools. A student can not apply to the academy if they are not already assigned to that school as their base. CAREER ACADEMY is a smaller learning community that focuses on a career theme and is integrated into students’ studies including their core curriculum courses. Each year the same group (cohort) of academy students takes a Career and Technical Education course aligned with the career them, as well as one or more core classes together. This school-within-a-school model may be either a three- or four-year academy. Special programs exist at various high schools, such as AIOT/ Information Technology program at Apex High school and Culinary Arts at Cary High school
PLEASE GO TO THIS LINK FOR CURRENT DATE and better map for 2024-5 http://www.wcpss.net/Domain/53
For more information about requesting a change from your base school assignment, go to www.wcpss.net/change-your-school.
- Searches can't rely on "school' field as many realtors list WCPSS Schools, not latest assignment.
- Calendar: If you don't like the calendar of assigned base school, you can apply to transfer to "options" (if not capped.)
- "Capped school" means building is over capacity and new students moving in new to address might not be able to register at certain/all grade levels. This is approved list but that doesn't mean school is necessary at capacity/limit. Your child/ren grade level might also not be capped. Go ask Data Manager at school. Capped Schools as of Feb 7,2024. (NOTE: there will be an update soon in spring of 2025)
- Capped High Schools: Apex Friendship, Heritage, Panther Creek
- Note: AFHS has some stringent criteria added by Office of Student Assignment to any aged student who moves into base after Feb. 2022.
- Capped Middle Schools: Apex Friendship, Mills Park
- Capped Elementary Schools: Abbotts Creek, Alston Ridge, Apex, Beaverdam, Cedar Fork, Highcroft, Holly Grove, Holly Ridge, Hortons Creek, Mills Park, Northwoods, Oakview, Olive Chapel, Parkside, River Bend, Rogers Lane, Scotts Ridge, White Oak, Weatherstone.
- Capped High Schools: Apex Friendship, Heritage, Panther Creek
- Overflow Schools If your child's grade level is capped past capacity. Look to far right column for Overflow School red font is updated for Spring 2024.
- Some will say a good idea is to email or call the Data Manger at each school, or call central office School Assignment (919) 431-7333. Be patient getting a phone call back and it's not always up to central office and there are Board review cases. You need to be in possession of the title to enroll. There is a policy that if you already live in Wake County and if you are within 45 days of closing, they may let you enroll your child in new base. Also, don't forget to see if Transportation is provided or not. Things always change, especially with new construction and COVID. Good Luck!
III. High School Options: A high school that may not be "rated" highly due to overall scores might have great offerings and more probability of your student getting what they need for their "career or college readiness"! A school that is 'super achieving" may only have 5 science AP courses that are overcrowded. It matters what matters to your family. enuf said.
AP/Advancement Placement courses by high school as that varies also. I would caution that this document is only a snapshot in time as schools will make changes to their overall offerings each year. I think this is mostly useful in seeing commonalities among schools. If a high school is just built, it usually only opens with only freshman and sophomores so menu of AP classes may not be offered fully yet.
JROTC. This site on the WCPSS website is a great reference for the JROTC programs in the district. As a summary, the following schools have JROTC programs: Broughton High, Cary High, Enloe High, Garner High, Knightdale High, Millbrook High, Sanderson High, Wake Forest High.
Student Activities. Athletic offerings should be fairly consistent across schools, but this site is a great resource about the teams and opportunities at each school. for other activities and clubs, such as Bands and DECA, check out each school's website, their PTA facebook page and "google". The school's website is a great resource for these types of activities.
"Career Academies" are specialty curriculum programs in non-magnet high schools. A student can not apply to the academy if they are not already assigned to that school as their base. CAREER ACADEMY is a smaller learning community that focuses on a career theme and is integrated into students’ studies including their core curriculum courses. Each year the same group (cohort) of academy students takes a Career and Technical Education course aligned with the career them, as well as one or more core classes together. This school-within-a-school model may be either a three- or four-year academy. Special programs exist at various high schools, such as AIOT/ Information Technology program at Apex High school and Culinary Arts at Cary High school
PLEASE GO TO THIS LINK FOR CURRENT DATE and better map for 2024-5 http://www.wcpss.net/Domain/53