Under 15% of our local population is school age children in public schools, but 'education' surely effects our local real estate market values! I could talk your ear off about education, but here's some links and info to help you... or let me know if you have questions. This page explains NC Schools and Triangle's School systems (or Local Education Agencies) below with links in table at end of this page.
Public, charter, private, parochial and home school are the many options for education in NC.
I. State Structure, Funding & Scores:
Public schools are funded at the state level and run by NC Schools Department of Public Instruction.
There are 115 public LEA/Local Education Agencies in NC. Most LEA's equal a county (100 in NC) but there are 15 cities as their own LEA alone. For example, the Town of Chapel Hill in Orange County is an LEA separate from it's Orange County's School Board, funding and policies. Some LEA's in NC provide a bit of additional funding at the county level. Chatham County is the only county left with APFO/Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance from developers so their education could keep up with growth. Local NC school boards do NOT have taxing authority and any extra local education budget is voted by County Commissioners. {Keep that in mind when advocating for education funding.}
Charter schools are funded by the State with public money also, but have their own Advisory Board.
Other options are for children in private/parochial or home schools (which do not receive state funding.)
"NC Virtual Public School online Courses" are becoming more popular and available free for public school children and those in NC military children.
Here's all the data or reports
For school performance, demographic and other data, please click HERE and enter school name or other criteria.
Note: Legislation required in 2015 that Schools are now given a grade also. School Performance Grades is an entire school's grade which should be taken with a grain of salt in my opinion. To me, what is important is the growth and learning of every individual student (not the entire school's grade.) The flower over the "i" on my purple campaign sign below is symbolic of focusing on growth and potential of each child. (end of soap box!) (I won on election day for WCPSS District 9 but lost by just under 2% overall.) So be it; but I still stay active in education. For example, I still serve on School BAC9/Board Advisory Council District 9 as "At Large" member.
North Carolina is very advanced and one of the top states in helping Exceptional Children and Academically and/or Intellectually Gifted children. I was co-author of North Carolina Association for Gifted & Talented "white paper". I was elected by AIG teachers onto the Board of NC Associations for Gifted & Talented for 3 years and I was appointed by the State NCDPI School Board Chairman to serve on the Governor's School Task force; so, I'm very familiar with this Gifted topic and will gladly answer any questions.
NOTE: Areas around RTP have the 2nd highest PhD rate in the country and the scores reflect this in $ of AIG students in each school.
NOTE: Areas around RTP have the 2nd highest PhD rate in the country and the scores reflect this in $ of AIG students in each school.
II. Local Triangle School Systems: color coded links to LEA's main page and school assignment based on this map:
Active colored Links to LEA/Local Education Agency:
Details for Wake County Public schools on it's own tab!
1. Chapel Hill/Carrboro has a form to request assignment and a map of all schools. This District is a rare city LEA funding base.
2 Orange County has a school base assignment map (This LEA is the rest of Orange County not including Chapel Hill/Carrboro)
3. Durham has a school locator map tool but has a MAJOR reassignment for the 2024-5 year at https://www.dpsnc.net/site/default.aspx?PageType=3&DomainID=4&ModuleInstanceID=8373&ViewID=6446EE88-D30C-497E-9316-3F8874B3E108&RenderLoc=0&FlexDataID=106859&PageID=1
4. Chatham County has address lookup. Chatham is the only LEA in NC with impact fees on increased building of homes.
5. Johnston County has school finder tool
6. Harnett County is south of Wake has a GIS school locator
7. Lee County is south of Chatham County with their school locator
8. Not on map above but growing quickly north of Wake County is Franklin County with their 11 schools' assignments
Details for Wake County Public schools on it's own tab!
1. Chapel Hill/Carrboro has a form to request assignment and a map of all schools. This District is a rare city LEA funding base.
2 Orange County has a school base assignment map (This LEA is the rest of Orange County not including Chapel Hill/Carrboro)
3. Durham has a school locator map tool but has a MAJOR reassignment for the 2024-5 year at https://www.dpsnc.net/site/default.aspx?PageType=3&DomainID=4&ModuleInstanceID=8373&ViewID=6446EE88-D30C-497E-9316-3F8874B3E108&RenderLoc=0&FlexDataID=106859&PageID=1
4. Chatham County has address lookup. Chatham is the only LEA in NC with impact fees on increased building of homes.
5. Johnston County has school finder tool
6. Harnett County is south of Wake has a GIS school locator
7. Lee County is south of Chatham County with their school locator
8. Not on map above but growing quickly north of Wake County is Franklin County with their 11 schools' assignments